Montemerano - Maremma - Toscana
Do you want to jump back in the medieval era ? If yes you must visit Montemerano a tiny and spectacular hamlet located in Maremma land Toscana region. When the ancient door of the village is through, it seems that clock stopped to work several centuries ago. Nothing has been changed. All is still the same !
So visiting Montemerano is a fantastic experience that cannot be forgotten for the entire life also for the unforgettable environment and nature that surround it !
As frequently happen the hamlet is located on the top of a hill and its central square named Piazza del Castello is really gorgeous because unchanged and perfectly maintained and restored.
Another fantastic corner of Montemerano is the San Giorgio church and its square. Still here the feeling to live in an ancient period is very strong and the church is a fantastic example of Romanesque art. First testimony of this church is around the end of year 1300.
A sign in Montemerano tells “Qui il tempo si è fermato e si ascolta il silenzio” that means “Here time stopped and silent must be listened” !
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